When I decided to travel to Washington DC to attend the AICI Conference (Association of Image Consultants International) at the end of August I wanted to have a fun time. To ensure I had a great 2 week holiday and travelling experience I decided to take my husband, have a holiday and do a "Meet and Greet" in The Fabric store in LA. All of these factors meant I needed a travelling wardrobe that was smart, comfortable, interesting, compact, light and fun! My goal was to travel with Hand Luggage Only which meant under 7 kg or 15.4 lbs (My husband also had the same directive)!
Sure enough time disappeared and I started considering my Travelling Light wardrobe one week before we left. I was able to check on the current temperature in Washington DC and Los Angeles and it was hot and humid Over 30 C or 90 F. I could see my goal of Travelling Light was getting closer. No need to bring the heavy clothing.
My Five Wardrobe Basics in brown (Click on the YouTube Icon to see part 1) are what I wear under most of my outfits. I decided to add an Orange dress to these pieces to add more variety. The left over pieces from the dress became my favorite go to Jacket. Throw over tops and a mesh dress were used as scarves. A few pieces of jewelry. Anything to add variety and color to a small interactive wardrobe. Using a color palate that enhances your coloring and your personality are easy to mix and match and let you feel great in what you wear.

I will admit that my husband calls this type of dressmaking "stressmaking" but I believe this process develops some of my favorite outfits! The Orange jacket was finished 10.30 pm the night before the early morning flight. Packing. Weighing. Success! 6.4 kg Sleep. Alarm 4 hours later. All Good! Ready for a 15 hour flight to Los Angeles...snoozing, connecting to a flight to Baltimore 4 1/2 hrs then a 3 hour, slow meander by train to Arlington in Washington DC.
I did take notes as I tried on all the outfits before they got packed. No one needs to forget the outfits they planned. Toiletries were in small containers to be in keeping with hand luggage regulations (all less than 30 ml) No tweezers, steel nail files or Big Pins (Knotting my scarves and tops were my solution). Two pairs of really comfortable shoes and two others..all different colours and worked with my outfits. I wore my heaviest shoes and jewelry too. Every ounce counts.
Outcomes from Travelling Light: fun, confident, prepared, no time wasted waiting around the carousel, no lost luggage, no missing connected flights, easy to get around airport, had everything I needed and wanted and lastly had a great time.
Follow me Instagram and YouTube for more information and adventures! Click on links.
How do you pack for your holidays? I would love to hear your tips!!