Sewing Inspiration

Image Consultant  - Passionate about bringing out the best in you.

Sew Something … Anything for Goodness sake!

Sew Something … Anything for Goodness sake!

Is this Pandemic the time to be Pedantic?

Pedantic: excessively concerned with minor details or rules; overscrupulous.

☑️ Yes I have W.I.P. s (Work in progress) that need to be finished

☑️ Yes I need to replace wornout garments

☑️ Yes I want to make extraordinary garments

☑️ Yes I have a Chanel jacket that needs quite a bit of hand stitching

What should I do?  ...

But what will I end up actually doing?

Can there be a happy medium?

How do I lift myself up out of my Covid lockdown doldrums and fly towards the sewing room to turn the light on and just sew?

How do I get focused?

What I can sew, could be a significant and be a wardrobe staple ... a New, fun, and an essential key piece of my wardrobe?

I'm feeling better already.

I need to sew - God knows how much I need to sew!

Do I sew for the sake of the ..."Woo Hoo I'm wearing a new garment moment" ? or could I actually make sure I sew something I really need that will ...

  1. Give me bang for my buck

  2. Be something I WANT to wear every week

  3. Use the fabric I have already

  4. Use a pattern I have wanted to make for a while

Is this dream possible? on earth could I have got through 200+ days of lockdown without my sewing?

I don't mind sewing for the sake of sewing. It's fabulous to put a fabric and a pattern together .. Sew those seams, to bring the creation to life.

A pure joy

Heart warming

Sanity saver

And it could be a hit or a miss!

Another Question I have is ....

What will our new world look like?

Well whatever Covid leaves our world looking like, I want to be better dressed.

Melbourne Victoria Australia has had more time than most to ponder on this.

We have had 240 + days and counting of Lockdown with a hopeful end in November 2021 ... Hopeful ...

“Melbourne has officially become the most locked down city in the world – overtaking the Argentinian capital Buenos Aires” as of Oct 4 2021

I'm wondering if by the time normalcy is here will I be normal? and What will the new normal be?

What am I preparing for?

Languishing is the word ...

No Deadline Sewing = No point sewing

No events to wear great clothes to but the supermarket. Everything else is shutdown!

Now that's a high mountain to conquer!

Oh dear .... to start every new day at the bottom of that mountain to begin the hike yet again

What I want to do and what I should do is a constant battle

 ... Add to the recipe good old Normal life issues that don't stop just because Covid has entered our world! 

How to navigate unknown territory is the challenge. I'm choosing to do it from my sewing room.

As I have walked the same track within my 5 km radius for 200+ days, but who's counting ... I'm scared about where I'll go and if I really will be ok.

Sewing outfits for my future me has always been my mantra.


I WILL make some more active wear ... I've worn out the current outfits. I'm feeling fit and I need more options .. I'll be pedantic about this


I'm looking to fill my wardrobe with the outfits that I need and dream to wear! 

That's not too much to ask for and actually do.

Trying won't hurt much or cost too much ...I'll shop my stash (good thing I a have an adequate stash)

For now I'll just make do with what I've got.

Maybe not pedantic but certainly persistent

I better oil my trusty sewing machine and get the motor running!

Do write and tell me how you've been surviving here in Melbourne and in your part of the world. Any tips appreciated

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To Activewear or NOT Activewear ... that is the Question!

To Activewear or NOT Activewear ... that is the Question!

I'm in the mood for...... Sewing up a Storm

I'm in the mood for...... Sewing up a Storm