We are always waiting for something!
Waiting for....
- More time to sew
- A slimmer you
- A new job
- A partner
- More money
Waiting with the unknown time limits!!
Get ready to move forward...one inch or one mile at a time. Your own pace. You are not competing with anyone. You are looking after the things that matter to you. No one else really knows what your hopes and dreams are, apart from you. Start allocating the time you need to gradually achieve what's on your bucket list.
Do you need to alter or finish some garments?
Do it!
Maybe one a month? Just start this week!
Write a list and start marking them off.
Do you need a simple comfortable item that will brighten up and tie together a few other wardrobe pieces?
Kick Start your Sewing with simple fast sewing to get you started in January!
Look in your Fabric Collection. Find a few Fabric pieces. Come on drag them out. Look in your pattern collection. Pull out a few patterns that could be suitable. See if you can decide on a good Fabric/Pattern match. Consider and imagine the garment made up. Imagine how it will maximize your wardrobe pieces. Make it. Wear it. If it works make a few more in different fabric or with some modifications. It's up to you. Enjoy the process.
Your time will be spent anyway. Why not get a cheeky headstart on your Wardrobe in January?
This will put a smile on your face. You will feel less like you are running around in circles for everyone else.
Jump for Joy in January!!
Get the housework done faster by promising yourself that you will have some Sewing time.
My best Tip:
Changing the bed linen is best done at night. Funny how remaking the bed takes less time when you want to go to bed. Spouse or Children can be part of the process as well. Team effort.
Make some simple clothes that are quick to make and great to wear.
Simple dresses for really hot days!
Let's do this!!!
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