COVID-19 Groundhog Day “Sewvival” Kit
It's 2020 and the whole world is on the same side fighting a virus that has overwhelmed many Hospital systems & has caused needless deaths.
Here are some pandemic movies that I grew up with and survived.
World War Z (2013)
Blindness (2008)
I Am Legend (2007)
28 Days Later (2002)
Outbreak (1995)
Day of the Triffids (1962)
Who would have thought that all those movies, watched from behind the safety of a cushion, would never ever end up being a real-life experience?
I watched these movies, learned about germs, humanity - the good and the bad & how to survive. Strangely enough, I always hold my breath when people sneeze near me or cough. Now we learn that even talking leaves our little droplets in the air for as long as 8 minutes. Things just keep getting worse!
And now we are all starring in a movie that we don't know what the ending will be. I'm hoping for a Disney ending. But just between you and me .... the movie I almost feel I'm living in ATM is Groundhog Day. I'm HANGING on for a happy ending ... I need hope!

Soooo let's look at Groundhog day 1993 and snatch some hope while we're at it. Phil Connors, a TV weatherman from Pittsburgh covers the annual Groundhog Day event in the town of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. While in Punxsutawney, he finds himself in a time loop, repeating the same day over and over again.
I don't know about you but I have trouble working out what Day it is and just recently what month it is.
What I'm trying to apply during COVID-19 ...using Groundhog day as the learning tool:
If the future looks foggy use the time wisely as if the future was going to be good
Phil ( Bill Murray) learned another language and the piano .. but he didn't learn how to sew. Sew sad! But he did learn a lot about himself
Giving up ... Nup! Not going down that slippery slope. Fabric and Patterns are in the stash and need to be sewn up, worn and loved
If you knew this was your final day on Earth how would you live this last day? ... I'd sew that special fabric up into an outfit and Wear it Out ...oh wait I'm pushing that cart up the hill now. Hmmm I better get more extreme just in case
Taking the opportunity to respond differently to daily occurrences. I’ve been practicing biting my tongue!
Overall what would you rate each day done, out of 10
Compare what you Wore, Said, Ate, amount of Exercise, Type of Activity, Concerns, amount of times you checked on the COVID-19 News updates, Amount of TV Watched, how many Hours of Sleep you had, Who you talked with...
See Who & What you Need to Avoid, Need to Increase & What you Want to Keep Doing
Remember it's great to be a support for others But not if you're drowning yourself
It's great to sew masks and help out But not if it's making you grumpy
Look to see what gives you energy and joy be aware and repeat these actions
Be on the lookout for more activities that will deliver a less stressful you and DO THEM, please
It's important at this time to watch out for Yourself … then you can do for others
Make sure your “Tank is Full" of energy and enthusiasm. Learn what Refills Your Tank
You can't drive a car on an empty tank. It's NOT being selfish!
We may feel like we are living a Groundhog Day experience, but gaining a life of achievement is not done in one day, it's doing a little bit every day!
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