Anne Whalley

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Sewing Your Hope for The Future You with 2020 Vision

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2020 is getting closer. What we focus on is what we get. If you are driving and you start spinning out ... whatever you do don't fixate on the tree ... You will hit it!

Reviewing 2019 is part of the transition to moving on to 2020. Spending too long on the review part can prevent us from planning the future well. Review what happened and consider the opportunities you had and the actions you made. Could you have done better or did you do the best with what you had? Noted. Rehashing is enticing and addictive. We can't change people but we can change how we respond.

Sew what did you love about 2019?

What do you want to change?

How are you going to do that?

All of these questions relate to your expectations of where you want to go. Change is fraught with uncertainty but fear of making a change is also uncomfortable. Life is short after all. Discomfort is part of life. Making small steps towards your desired destination is scary and yet so worthwhile.

My Bruce, "Melbourne's happiest tram driver" took a few new steps forward this year. He sang a couple of Christmas Carols in front of a large audience of 20,000 people, a few weeks ago. It was a live performance and 15 minutes before going on stage he forgot the words to Jingle Bells. Thankfully he nailed it ... but moving forward is nerve-racking too. I had no idea Bruce had forgotten the words. He was wearing a suit and bow tie and looked confident and professional.

We are like the tip of an iceberg. People can only assess us on what they see because they can't see our hearts! Wearing clothes that give an accurate explanation of who we are and where we want to go is helpful for us and others. Dressing for the "Future You" helps you keep the faith and persevere and helps others believe it too.

When we're stuck on replaying the hurtful scenarios, our thoughts are stuck in the the past. When we're stuck in the past we are unable to make future plans ... and we can keep reliving all the not so fun times. Training ourselves to press the"Stop button" on those repetitive, hurtful thoughts and replacing them with plans to achieve our dreams is the"Start button"

Rediscover Yourself or Find Yourself for the first time. Find what delights you and do more of it. Do less of what you're not fond of and eradicate what drains you. Take steps towards your goals whatever they may be and stop waiting for the right time. Seize the day, grab your ticket enjoy the roller coaster ride ... the slow climb, the steep descent, the dark tunnel, the speed and tight turns ... It's all part of the journey, the journey to the fulfilment of the dream that has been planted in your heart.

Merry Christmas🎄 & a Happy New Year🎉🥂🍾 to you all. May your 2020 be filled with new adventures and plenty of Sewing. We'll get through it together … sewing our hearts out and keeping our sanity 💚😁♥️

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